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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Legislative Council held on Wednesday, September 6, 2006 in the Meeting Room of the C. H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, CT. Vice-Chairman Holian called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: T. Holian, D. Amaral, J. Borst, D. Brown, J. Capeci (8:20), J. DiCandido, S. Doyle, K. Jacobs, M. Iassogna, P. Llodra, F. Pennarola. ABSENT: W. Rodgers ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman H. Rosenthal, Selectman W. Brimmer, Financial Director B. Spragg, Board of Ed member P. Mangiafico, Fairfield Hills Authority Chairman R. Geckle, one member of public, one member of press.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Mr. Borst, the minutes of the regular meeting of August 16, 2006 were unanimously accepted as presented.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. James McFarland, 45 Turkey Hill Road, thanked the Legislative Council for its assistance and response concerning the road connection issue.



Ordinance. Mr. Pennarola reported that the Ordinance Committee met tonight concerning ordinances for animal control at Fairfield Hills, cultural arts and amendment to the Public Building and Site Committee (PBSC). The PBSC amendment has been referred to the Board of Selectmen.

Finance. No report.

Education. Mrs. Llodra presented a report concerning the High School expansion project and the Capital Improvement Plan (Attachment A). The Board of Finance has invited the Legislative Council and the Board of Education to its September 11 meeting.

FIRST SELECTMAN’S REPORT. Mr. Rosenthal discussed some of the major plans that the Town has, including the Plan of Conservation and Development 2004 Update prepared by Planning & Zoning (B), Open Space in Newtown prepared by the Ad Hoc Open Space Task Force (c), the Strategic Plan of Economic Development for the Town of Newtown prepared by the Economic Development Commission (D) and the Master Plan for the Fairfield Hills Campus prepared by Harrall Michalowski and Associates (E). He noted that the other major plan of the Town is the Emergency Response Plan.


Presentation~by Robert Geckle, Chairman of FHA. Mr. Geckle distributed and discussed Fairfield Hills Authority Master Plan Execution Current Update – September 2006 (F). He noted that the meetings of the FHA are used to receive public input on the campus. Also a STEAP grant of $275,000 has been approved for some of the electrical infrastructure. Mr. Geckle commended the other members of the FHA for their work. Mr. Holian said that the Legislative Council is very much appreciative of the efforts of the FHA. Mr. Rosenthal commends Mr. Geckle for his efforts as chairman.


Veterans' Benefits ordinance and Volunteers' Benefits ordinance are being referred to the Ordinance Committee.

Resolution in support of CT Municipal Consortium for Fiscal Responsibility. Mr. Holian reported that Mr. Rodgers conveyed to him that he would support endorsing the activities of the Consortium to date rather than becoming a member. Mr. Brown moved to endorse the activities of the Connecticut Municipal Consortium for Fiscal Responsibility to date. Second by Mrs. Llodra for discussion. Mr. Brown moved to amend the motion to endorse the activities of the Consortium to date as to the three stated changes: 1) raising the cost thresholds under the prevailing wage statute from the current $100K/$400K levels to minimally the $1 million level, 2) leveling the playing field in binding arbitration by allowing an arbitrated settlement, if rejected by the local legislature body, to then be sent back into negotiations, rather than directly into the last round of appellate review and 3) a prohibition on new mandates upon the towns from the state until the legislature meet its own funding commitment already existing on the books. Second by Mr. Borst and unanimously carried.


ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mr. Holian reported that Mr. Rodgers is on duty in Iraq.

Mr. Holian will not be able to attend the first meeting in October and the meeting may be cancelled.

EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LEGAL MATTERS. Mr. Borst moved to enter executive session at 9:20 p.m. to discuss legal matters. Seconded and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk